Photography Credit: Kara Rue Photography
I grew up in Seattle and since then I have lived and worked on the Eastside. My husband, a fire fighter for twenty-five years, and I have been blessed with four wonderful children. All are young adults now and beginning to build their own lives. My only son is currently serving in the U.S. Military and my three daughters are in various stages of young adulthood including recently married, attending college and graduating school. I can’t imagine life without my children and am thankful for them every day.
One of my greatest honors and joys as a sleep doula has been working with parents at such an amazing time in their lives, to assist them as they navigate through becoming new parents and to see them blossom into a beautiful and confident family. I absolutely love hearing from my clients through the years about how their kids are doing and it warms my heart to know that I was able to be a small part of their beginning.